Details for Lancaster County Clerk - Ad from 2024-09-19

NOTICE OF SPECIAL HEARING TO SET FINAL TAX REQUEST Lancaster County and Lancaster County Rural Library in Lancaster County, Nebraska Public Notice is hereby given, in compliance with the provisions of State Statute Section 77-1632, that the governing body will meet on the 24th day of September, 2024 at 9:00 a.m., in the Commissioners Hearing Room, 1st floor of the County-City Building for the purpose of hearing support, opposition, criticism, suggestions or observations of taxpayers relating to setting the final tax request at a different amount than the prior year tax request. Lancaster County: 2023 Valuation 41,300,922,978 2024 Valuation 42,905,047,000 % Increase in Valuation 3.88% 2023-2024 Property Tax Request $91,831,237 2023 Tax Rate 0.222347 Property Tax Rate (2023-24 Request/2024 Valuation) 0.214034 2024-2025 Proposed Property Tax Request $95,397,954 Proposed 2024 Tax Rate 0.222347 % Increase in Tax Rate 0.00% Lancaster County Rural Library: 2023 Valuation 7,169,467,309 2024 Valuation 7,441,432,387 % Increase in Valuation 3.79% 2023-2024 Property Tax Request $996,108 2023 Tax Rate 0.013894 Property Tax Rate (2023-24 Request/2024 Valuation) 0.013386 2024-2025 Proposed Property Tax Request $1,080,823 Proposed 2024 Tax Rate 0.014524 % Increase in Tax Rate 4.53% Lancaster County's % Decrease in Total Budget -2.83% 1232956 9/19 ZNEZ